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Mittwoch, 28. November 2007

Welcome to Capetown

awesome Photo from Tablemountain/ the view is simply marvelous

Cape Town is the third most populous city in South Africa. It is the legislative capital of SA where the National Parliament is located. Cape Town is famous for its harbour as well as for its natural settings (f. ex.: Tablemountain, Cape Point...). Moreover, it is often considered as one of the world's most beautiful cities due to its geography. Generally, Cape Town is one of the most popular south african destinations for tourism. More infos on Cape Town? Then Follow the link: http://www.southafrica.info/

On the 10th of October it was time to pack up and head for my final destination in SA - Cape Town. I have been looking forward to it so much :). Since I participated in youth exchange in 2005 and kept contact to friends living near Cape Town, they offered me to stay with them. This was kind of a major relief for me as I did not have to worry anymore about board and lodging. My hostfamily lives in Somerset West, which is about 40km far way from Capetown. Anyway I have determined to find a job either in the gastronomy or in the hotel industry. My long term goal is to work in this industry.Thats is why I want to take the opportunity in order to gain experiences. Thanks to my hostmum Lizanne I got a job straight away. We went to a Restaurant called Manuka (Wine restaurant that originally comes from New Zealand) and the owner was willing to offer me temporary employment. Since nearly 7 weeks I have been working there and I dont regret it at all. It is hard work but it is fun as well since I get to know plenty of people etc.! On one day my hostmum and I went sightseeing to Capetown. We have visited the most popular tourist spots like Tablemountain and Capepoint and drove through the City of Capetown.

The weather here is basically terrific - it is heating up whereas it must be pretty cold in Germany now - sorry guys in good old Germany ha ha :) I love the beaches and want to go surfing soon. I did go fishing for a couple of time with one of my mates. We did not catch the big ones but enjoyed yourself anyway. More news coming up soon!

Check out photos below! :)

my hostbro Robert and Me

my hostdad Hardy and Me/ having a braai in the backyard

my hostmum Lizanne and Me/ Capetown in the background

close to Capepoint

Cape Point (where Atlantic and Indian Ocean get together)

Distance board ( Berlin = 9975 km)

stunning outlook on Capetown surrounded by mountains -

far in the back you can spot Robin Island

its been quiet cloudy on that day :)

Posing in my working clothes :)

Dienstag, 27. November 2007

My week at the Thembimfundo Special School

Well, beforehand I would like to tell you about the Thembimfundo Special School in general and the way I learnt about it. Secondly, I am going to report on experiences at the school and the everyday life in this particular rural area.

The Thembimfundo School is located in a village called Mbongolwane, a hilly area, which is about 200km north of Durban. It is a school for mentally and physically retarded kids and youngster.
The name of the school "Thembimfundo" means to obtain chances of education - in other words: Even the poor and neglected children should be entitled to have access to education (equal opportunities). The school has been established through private donations from Germany in Mai 2002. In order to provide financial support to the project, friends from Dringenberg (village in North-Rhein-Westphalia/Germany) have found the "Yebo Zululand Initiative e.V." For more information on the school and the initiative you can visit its website: http://www.yebo-initiative.de/.

Before I left Germany for South Africa on the 8th of August I got to know Mrs Parensen, an active member (kind of the chairwoman) of the initiative and she introduced me into the project by showing pictures and telling me stories. Eventually, she inspired me to visit the school during my stay in South Africa. So I considered it as one of my major trips in South Africa.

In the middle of September I headed for Mbwongolwane from Durban accompanied by a black guy who is grown up in this area and was willing to help me. I got in touch with him thanks to Mrs Parensen who knows him quiet well by having seen him in the recent years. We got to know each other better and ultimately become good friends. Here is one picture of the two of us at the school.

Anyway during my visit I was accomodated at a mission of the "Oberzeller Franzikanerinen" and slept by myself in a roomy guesthouse. The hospitality was great and i could make myself comfortable. From the accomodation to the school it was about 3km one way. Every morning after breakfast Mrs Parensen and I set off to the school. I still do remember exactly my first day.After arriving at the school I was introduced to the main supervisor and all the staffmembers. Shortly after this, Mrs Parensen showed me the different buildings for instance the classroom and the dormitory. After all it was time to introduce me to the kids, said Mrs Parensen along the way whilst showing me around as they were curiously looking at me, trying to figure out who the new guy might be. Everyone was gathered in the classroom and all the children did sing a couple of songs. I really enjoyed listening to them.

Afterwards it was question-answer time :). The children asked me questions about my family, myself and Germany and I happily answered all of them. It was something special for the kids and for me as well. After lunchtime the children are usually allowed to play and have some fun. I joined them for a soccergame and some boardgames. It was amazing to see how single handed they are. They organized themself whilst playing and considered everyone. The teacher did not have to get involved. Even though these kids are disadvantaged, either mentally or physically, they still do express such a vitality, which impressed me totally.

Let me tell you about this guy in the picture on the left hand side. His handicap is that he is deaf-mute, in other words he is not able to speak and to hear which is sad. I got to know him and I think he has got a lot of potential. His disability does not prevent him from being happy and spreading positive vibes allover the place. Whenever we took out a soccer ball he was there first to join us. Besides, he is quiet curious about news things. One guy who helps out at the school at times brought his harmonica. As he saw the harmonica he wanted to play on it. We all listened to him .He did well and has quiet a good persistence, that is for sure :). Basically most of the children are smart in a way. Despite the fact that they can never lead an ordinary life due to their handicap, they try to enjoy it to the fullest. I think nearly all of them are perceptive, curious and inquisitve. There is one story that proves this fact downright. One day Mrs Parensen asked me whether I could teach the children some gymnastic exercies that were illustrated on some papers. The guy that came with me from Durban and I made an effort to teach to them various positions. But long exercises were not necessary. Once they have seen it, they knew how to carry out a particular position. They even figured it out on their own subsquently. A couple of days later the teachers decided to let them perform what they have learnt and to see if they still remember. The performance was a huge sucess. All the viewers were totally blown away. They managed everything on their own - including self-organization.

Generally the tasks of the teacher are mainly tutoring and looking after the children properly. Those kids need devoted people wo give them love and hope. It takes up patience and energy working with such kids. I was quiet strange for me at the beginning but after a short while I got used to it. I tried to make the most of my visit and make it a memorable experience and I am sure i did. Basically, it made an impact on me since i have never worked with retarted kids before. In my eyes it is precious to experience the work with such kids. It makes you understand their way of living and thinking. It is definetly worth it visiting the school.

the kids and mrs Parensen playing boardgames

cute picture of the little ones

As for the everyday life in this specific area of South Africa: The people in the village do not live next to each other as we are used to it in our neigbhourhood. Basically the whole village is a settlement with scattered buildings. The Zululand is known for its hilly areas. It is also called "the land of the 1000 hills". Long distances have to be walked every single day. Furthermore nearly all the houses are not connected to the power supply system as it would be too expensive to get the connection over quiet big distances. Consequently there is only light available through candles. Food has to be cooked by wood on a fireplace. The wood has to be collected every day. This type of work is normally done by the women of a family. The people living in this rural area are very poor and often struggle to make ends meet. Many are affected by unemployment and HIV. A lot of young people try their luck in bigger cities such as Durban. However, it is quiet complicated as the old generations of the family need the support of the young ones. The strong company in an ordinary family is amazing. This consequently however prevents the young people from moving on with their on life.

If you are interested in the project,feel free to get in touch with me anytime!

Mountain of Zululand in the background

Sonntag, 23. September 2007

A couple of days at the Indian Ocean in Durban

Durban is the second most populous city in South Africa (according to statistic of 2001 Durban has a population of about 3.2 million). Durban is a real rainbow city where various cultures come together. Here East meets West, First World meets Third and Zulu, English and Indian cultures rub shoulders. Besides,it is famous as the busiest port in Africa. It is also a major centre of tourism due to the city's warm subtropical climate and beaches.

On the 12th of September, very early in the morning (3:50 am) I got on a bus down to Durban. After 5 hours on the bus I arrived in Durban and was welcomed by some friends. During my time in Durban I went to a couple of beaches, went for a swim in the ocean (that was lekker :-) -> Lekker is the Afrikaans word for nice, it is used quiet often here). Besides, I was cycling along the main beaches near downtown where many hotels and restaurants are located. It is a great place for tourists, you can either spend a wonderful day at the beachfront or enjoy yourself in a different way, there is a lot of stuff to do. Last but not least, I have watched an exciting cricketmatch of the current worldcup (SA against India). The wheater in Durban was generally terrific even though it was sometimes a bit windy.

at the beach/ city of Durban in the background

at a local beach (of a district in Durban)

main beachfront in Durban

Cricket: SA - India

Montag, 10. September 2007


I have encircled Pretoria on the map above
Brief Info about Pretoria:Pretoria is a city located in the northern part of Gauteng Province, South Africa. It is one of the country's two capital cities, serving as the executive (administrative) and official de facto capital.

Well, since one of my friends is living in Pretoria, he offered me to come visit him for a week. I did not hesitate long, packed my bag and headed for Pretoria with a friend from the Reitz (where my hostfamily is living). During my stay in Pretoria, I have discovered a few nice spots of its city, went shopping in one of the biggest malls' in South Africa called "Menlyn"(you can easily lose orientation because it is very big and plenty of shops look quiet similar) ,partied in Headfield (a district in Pretoria with plenty of clubs and pubs) - that was awesome by the way!
The Highlight was hands down the flying excursion with my friend Shaun. He is busy studying in order to become a pilot and he took me along on one of his practical exercises.

Shaun & Me went bowling

Posing on the plane

in the plane

Shaun & Me have spent one evening with some friends

Samstag, 25. August 2007

Lesothotrip: 16.-19.8.

My hostparents, some of their friends and me headed for Lesotho in two Landrovers on the 16th of August early in the morning and we arrived safely in the afternoon. For all among you who don't know Lesotho. Lesotho is an independet country in the middle of South Africa and the biggest part of its territorium consist of mountains.The ride up to Sani Top Chalet, high on the Drakensberg escarpment on the border between South Africa and Lesotho was quiet bumpy but exciting anyway. We stopped at several spots to take some nice shots of the wonderful landscape. Sani Pass Chalet is 2874 m high and is also home to the highest pub in Africa. We ended up sleeping in a backpagers accomodation for 2 nights and hiked up the second highest mountain in Africa(=Thabana-Ntlenyana/ 3482 m high) . We hired a guide, who has leaded us all the way up (25 km altogether)

On Saturday we set out to the only ski resort in South Africa. We drove through the mountains and have seen small villages. We got insight into the life of the people living up in the mountains. Almost all the people live on agriculture and animals like caddles. It was a very interesting experience to explore "the other side" of Africa. Those people are leading a modest life and are happy anyway - being happy in life is the most important thing!

Skiing in South Africa was so much fun. The slope was about 150m long and partly quiet steek. It was definetly an experience that I will always remember. If you come to South Africa, it is well worth going there - in my eyes one of the nicest attractions in South Africa/Lesotho.

Sani Pass 2873 m above sea-level

from the left: Wimpie (my hostfather's brother),Me and my hostparents

Here I am spreading my wings :-)

only the sky is the limit

Natives looking after the animals....

Welcome to Afri-Ski, a wonderful Ski Resort in Lesotho

Skiing in Africa :)

More useful Information about Traveling,Skiing etc in Lesotho will be provided on the Links below

1.) http://www.sanitopchalet.co.za/

2.) http://www.afriski.co.za/

3.) http://www.camelroc.co.za/

My first two weeks in SA....

Time flies by and I am in SA since 2 weeks. I can't believe time passes so quickly. Anyway I arrived safely ( with 1 1/2 hours delay due to technical problems) in Joburg on the 9th of August and was heartily welcomed by my hostfamily from Reitz.( Reitz is in the Freestates: it is a Province in SA/ it is about a 2 hours-ride from Joburg) Before I could go through the security controls, a security guy with his snooping dog has checked up on me. I had to open my suitcase since the dog smelled all my gifts like german chocolates etc.! I have satisfied the security guy with a german chocolate and his investigation was finished from that moment on :-). I was really amazed at the wheater here and the climate differences between Germany and SA. During the day it can get quiet warm (up to 28 degrees at the most/spring has started just now) and the sun is lovely. But it gets freaky cold in the evening. So I am glad I took along enough warm clothes to prevent from getting sick. I had a bit of a flu recently( since I am not that used to the climate here) but my hostmother Ansie gave me some good medicine and I felt well again after a short while.

My hostfamily in Reitz lives on a farm. I am busy working on the farm, experience the life of an south african farmer, playing with the dogs (I love playing with the dogs, almost everybody here has at least one dog - my hostfamily has got 4 dogs), driving around with the motorbike, meeting some friends in town or plan my next adventurous trips ( I will visit a buddy in Pretoria very soon/Pretoria is South Africa's main capital). In no way I get bored. Sometimes we have a braii (= barbeuce). Having a braai is something typical for SA/ part of its culture. It is so much fun with all the people here. Up to now, I have just met friendly and open-minded people, especially my hostfamily is very hospitable and I can easily make myself at home here. I am grateful for all their help and efforts. Some days ago my hostfamily, some of their friends and me went on a trip to Lesotho. Pics will be published soon. Watch out :-) But first of all, have a look at the pictures below. I have taken them in the last two weeks except the map of the Freestates ( I have encircled Reitz)

Map of the Freestates

The house of my hostfamily

The driveway right next to the house

It's me on the Motorbike :-)

The dogs and me on the front door's steps

from the left: Jako ( he stayed with me in Germany as an exchange student and we became quiet good friends), his cousin Marina, Jako's parents (Ansie + Bruwer) and the other cousin Anina

Me posing on a friend's bakkie

Montag, 23. Juli 2007

All about South Africa including Travel Advice for german Tourists

Get on the Link below and you will have access to all kinds of information concerning South Africa


Discover the Beauty of Capetown by this nice Collection

Capetown with massive Mountains in the background

City of Capetown

incredibly nice view on the ocean from Table Mountain...you can look far in the distance

great view on Tablemountain from the beach...

Look at this beautiful Picture of Camps Bay...

Camps Bay (2)

Camps Bay (3)